Jun 30, 2014
PURSUIT is the proof of "desire" - the "WANT" to! Only God sees the contents of our heart, but you can always tell those who have NOT pursued God by the way they only go to the alter to have voices silenced in their minds, or a need met or a healing. And they never have anything of God to talk about. If...
Jun 23, 2014
All great leaders have two things in common: 1--They serve, protect, defend, and selflessly contribute to the success of those who are in authority over them; and 2-- the contents of their life can be directly tied to great mentors they have chosen to follow! LISTEN IN...PASS IT ON!
Follow "Keith Shealy's...
Jun 16, 2014
Unveiling the crucial role of "Dad" in The Father's Plan for His Children! Listen in!
Jun 10, 2014
Podcast about how, when you're searching for a good church home, finding "the very Character of Jesus Christ" in the nature of those who lead it is KEY! Listen in!
29 min. 02 sec.
For more of showing GOD Big in a world that sees Him small, join our:
"YEAR of OPPORTUNITY" Sponsorship Family!
Jun 2, 2014
Your "Father" and your "dad" are NOT the same! To expect your "dad" to be for you, what your "Father", alone, can be for you, is a TRAP we call "unreal expectations". Caution!!--This message is hazardous to a defeated lifestyle!
Follow "Our Year of Opportunity" website ; "Keith Shealy's...