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Podcast Channel of Keith and BrendaLee Shealy showing GOD big in a world that sees Him small. This life is filled with wonder that God wired each one of us to discover, with Him! #PressTowardTheMark  

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Every gift is tax-deductible and helps. Thank you for sowing your financial seed into this work and mission that God has given! We pray God bless you with a 100-fold return on your gift of generosity!

see and hear, follow and share, more of TowardTheMark's work and messages:

"KeithAndBrendaLee Shealy Video Channel" on Brighteon

"Keith Shealy's Toward The Mark" on Facebook

~ "TTM SingingSgt" on Twitter


Keith and Brenda "Pressin'IN TowardTheMark" Blog

"Sharing with you the Secrets God Whispers to us" teachings on our website 

 Thank you for listening and sharing this podcast message! May God bless you and your heart's deepest desires!

Jan 30, 2022

Podcast where we hear the life-changing revelation Christ Jesus gave Keith through The Holy Spirit, personally ;  The revelation that helps us better understand Who The Holy Spirit truly is and the role He plays in our communicating together "i-n The Trinity" -- The Father God, The Son Christ Jesus, and The...

Jan 20, 2022

TTM podcast minute with a whole lot in it about positioning ourselves to master our skills through good coaching and practice drills ;

KEY: "Coaches who help us find and develop our natural and spiritual skills are key in our lives."
#BetweenTheLinesTTMpodcast with KeithAndBrendaLee Shealy

6 minutes, 24 seconds


Jan 11, 2022

TTM podcast minute with a whole lot in it about the important process of becoming ONE in The Lord God and wanting Him as The Great Physician ;

KEY: "Nothing and nobody is worth your relationship with The Lord through The Holy Spirit."
#BetweenTheLinesTTMpodcast with KeithAndBrendaLee Shealy

6 minutes, 28 seconds


Jan 5, 2022

TTM podcast minute with a whole lot in it about the importance of having true godly leaders in our lives;

KEY: "Find and spend time with those who are dedicated to pulling 'God's best' out of you."
#BetweenTheLinesTTMpodcast with KeithAndBrendaLee Shealy

7 minutes, 37 seconds

see and hear, follow and...