Sep 28, 2021
New Podcast demonstrating how our stepping out in faith to reach
the sweet fruit on the end of the tree's limb requires that we
first let go of fear and move out, away from the trunk of the tree;
KEY: Christ Jesus came to free us from being fear-full,
dis-couraged, unbelieving believers!
#BetweenTheLinesTTMpodcast with...
Sep 22, 2021
New Podcast demonstrating how just as we must look past self-seeking extremists in the animal rights crowd to find the devoted core of animal preservationists around the planet -like the late Steve Irwin and Australia Zoo- we must also press in past unbelieving believers in religious crowds to find the core of...
Sep 18, 2021
New Feature joining the Ever-Increasing Faith message with the late "Man of One Book" and "Apostle of Faith" SMITH WIGGLESWORTH; His sermon messages were taken from-pulpit-to-print, made available worldwide by his family members so God can use them to move in as many lives as possible. #BetweenTheLinesTTMshow Special...
Sep 11, 2021
New Podcast about FAITH and the impossible situations in Keith's life that led to his encounter where The Lord heard his brokenness and lifted him into the sky and ...; Chapter 10 of Keith's book LETTERS FROM THE FRONT. #BetweenTheLinesTTMpodcast with KeithAndBrendaLee Shealy
29 minutes, 30 seconds
Sep 7, 2021
New Podcast about what true prosperity is describing the difference between when we GIVE TO GET and when we GIVE TO GIVE; Chapter 12 of Keith's book LETTERS FROM THE FRONT. #BetweenTheLinesTTMpodcast with KeithAndBrendaLee Shealy
24 minutes, 34 seconds