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Podcast Channel of Keith and BrendaLee Shealy showing GOD big in a world that sees Him small. This life is filled with wonder that God wired each one of us to discover, with Him! #PressTowardTheMark  

Every gift is appreciated and helps.
Mail tax-deductible contributions by check or money order payable to  Toward The Mark, Inc  P.O. Box 1152, Yorktown, VA 23692-1152. 

Every gift is tax-deductible and helps. Thank you for sowing your financial seed into this work and mission that God has given! We pray God bless you with a 100-fold return on your gift of generosity!

see and hear, follow and share, more of TowardTheMark's work and messages:

"KeithAndBrendaLee Shealy Video Channel" on Brighteon

"Keith Shealy's Toward The Mark" on Facebook

~ "TTM SingingSgt" on Twitter


Keith and Brenda "Pressin'IN TowardTheMark" Blog

"Sharing with you the Secrets God Whispers to us" teachings on our website 

 Thank you for listening and sharing this podcast message! May God bless you and your heart's deepest desires!

Mar 13, 2015

Podcast that describes how satan has been distracting us from, and how we must consciously focus on, always following through with what we say we're going to do.

Find many more messages based on real-life matters, like this one, in our published book called, "THE CRISIS OF ERODING INTEGRITY."  For more information or to place large-quantity orders, visit us online at the Toward The Mark website today.

We INVITE You... to follow and share the other Scripture-based tools to help see "Between The Lines" as we diligently seek God's Word, His Will, & His Ways and "press Toward The Mark..."
"Keith Shealy & Toward The Mark" on Facebook
~ "We Press Toward The Mark" Blogspot
~ "TTMSingingSgt" on Twitter

~ "Sharing Messages God Whispers" on TowardTheMark website

Tax-deductible Contributions are welcome, and appreciated.  Best of all, when you partner with us by regular monthly contributions, you help encourage the 6,270+ people (monthly average) who take part in the weekly resources of this ministry.  You certainly encourage us by sharing the vision and passion of #TowardTheMarkInc - to make known the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Gospel that Jesus Christ preached. Thank you in advance for your ongoing, or new, sponsorship and support!

Mail tax-deductible check donations payable to Toward The Mark, Inc, at P.O. Box 1152, Yorktown, VA 23692-1152.  Thank you, in advance!