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Podcast Channel of Keith and BrendaLee Shealy showing GOD big in a world that sees Him small. This life is filled with wonder that God wired each one of us to discover, with Him! #PressTowardTheMark  

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Mail tax-deductible contributions by check or money order payable to  Toward The Mark, Inc  P.O. Box 1152, Yorktown, VA 23692-1152. 

Every gift is tax-deductible and helps. Thank you for sowing your financial seed into this work and mission that God has given! We pray God bless you with a 100-fold return on your gift of generosity!

see and hear, follow and share, more of TowardTheMark's work and messages:

"KeithAndBrendaLee Shealy Video Channel" on Brighteon

"Keith Shealy's Toward The Mark" on Facebook

~ "TTM SingingSgt" on Twitter


Keith and Brenda "Pressin'IN TowardTheMark" Blog

"Sharing with you the Secrets God Whispers to us" teachings on our website 

 Thank you for listening and sharing this podcast message! May God bless you and your heart's deepest desires!

Sep 23, 2015

God is willing to fix your broken heart and heal your broken mind! You must be willing to put your faith in God and in His Will!  Pray this prayer along with us...


We INVITE You ... to follow and share:

"Keith Shealy TowardTheMark page" on Facebook 

Aug 19, 2015

Between The Lines TTM song #6 of twelve written by Keith and recorded in Fort Worth, Texas with incredible musician friends for the purpose of providing a creative new product for reaching the people in all our lives with The Gospel of Jesus Christ.

3 min., 28 sec.

 to follow and share these Toward...

Jun 15, 2015

We celebrate and honor EVERY DAD who studies the Scriptures to seek God's wisdom, God's will, and God's ways, in order to stand guard over his children and family, and to become proficient at modeling the Nature of their Father in Heaven.   

 We  also INVITE You... to follow and share:

"The Shealys & Toward...

Jun 8, 2015

During a Sunday evening service on a cold January night, Keith was about to be overcome by flu-like symptoms, deep anguish, a terrible case of fatigue, and utter frustration - one of the toughest times of his life!  And then the Lord's presence, and voice, filled the room like NOTHING ELSE can.

We  also INVITE You... 

Jun 2, 2015

Podcast about the pain of rejection or abuse, and our missing out on God's love, acceptance and redemption, when His arms are wide open and just an arms-length away. God, our Father, has what all of us are looking for, but it's "us" who must take that first step in reaching toward Him, first. #ReachForGodWhoIsAllGOOD